Saturday, February 7, 2009

Sniffling, Snorkelling and Scorpion Scuffling

We haven't been doing much over the last few days, as David is getting over a cold of sorts. His voice was hoarse and his throat sore, and he has a cough that comes and goes. Hopefully he will be up to snorkelling tomorrow, as Lori promised to take us to a great snorkelling spot.

We went to Puerto Escondito for the afternoon yesterday, to do laundry and look around. It's a beautiful beach town, much like San Agustinillo, but bigger, and a lot more people on the beach. (I guess we're spoiled here - the population is only 250!) Lots of Canadians go there - we saw many, many Canadian license plates.

Most nights we hear the roaring of the ocean all night. Last night, the wind must not have been very strong, because in between dreams all I heard was a screeching rooster, just loud enough to prevent me from slipping into the next dream - several times.

For the record, not all roosters "cock-a-doodle-doo" - it's too many syllables for most - "cock-a-doo-loo" is more common. When I realized a lot of time must have passed analyzing rooster linguistics in the darkness instead of counting sheep, I was ready to rustle up that rowdy rooster and really wring... Well, let's just say that I never wished harm on a bird before, but last night Rusty made me consider eating poultry again.

The other evening Lori killed a scorpion on her terrace (bless her heart!). I had never seen a real one. David wanted to keep the carcass on our terrace, to be able to inspect it better in the light of day, of course. About an hour later, we had the map of Central America spread out on the terrace, and Paul noticed the scorpion's tail was moving. There was a scuffle, but brawn prevailed!

While preparing dinner tonight, I went to pick up a piece of folded paper off the floor - imagine my delight when I saw the dead scorpion inside! There was another scuffle - me almost hitting the roof. I informed Mr. Barker that I won't be sharing a drive back home, or anywhere, with a scorpion - dead or alive!

During dinner, we noticed another scorpion stalking two cockroaches as big as walnuts... David and Chloe were thrilled, but that kind of cheap entertainment is lost on me. Even if Rusty sleeps tonight, how will I sleep, knowing there are creepy crawlies outside the window, which is open all night? And why are there no screens on Mexican windows??

Enough said about that!

We will be leaving San Agustinillo and its wildlife for Oaxaca (pronounced "wah-HAW-ka") on Monday morning. I am looking forward to different scenery and climate, as Oaxaca is in the mountains. And I think I'm in need of stimulation in the form of music and art, instead of scary flora and fauna!


  1. Who are you kidding, looks to me like you guys are having a blast and you wouldn't miss it for the world.Am I right? Personnally I probably would have brought the scorpion home too.


  2. Ciao: Good to hear from careful of those critters down there. I feel for David between bites and colds he's had it a little rough the last few messages. I have your Aunt and Uncle here who would like to say hello: Hi Eric Sr. here. How U doing. Your parents got my sister and I together for the first time in 9 years. We reminiced till the wee hours of the morning. So glad your having a good time. Luv rules! Eric.
    Hi Guys Lainie here. What brave people you are! doing something most of us cant imagine doing. Thanks to you we are all on a grand adventure. Just ENJOY and take care. Luv you Aunt Lainie.

  3. Thanks for your comments, guys! Great to hear from all of you!
    April and David

  4. so cooooool!!!frankly,I love scorpions.We've been to Oaxaca 4x.Ixtapa/Zihuateneo R simply idyllic.Am loving your log entries.Once in the D.R. we came across a live tarantula!On hotel property!Keep the reports coming,loving every cybernet minute of it. lol,sludge,oops,I mean Eric&Deanna
