Thursday, February 19, 2009

San Cristobal and Area

Thanks for your messages. Here are a few more miscellaneous pix along the way. (Roni and Gary, maybe you can tell us what this pretty little bird is!)


  1. What beautiful blue sky! Jonathan had a visit with the 'rents on Wednesday night - fish and chips with Brian and then a visit to the hospital to see Conchi - he was saddened by the change and says she looks so much like Lala now. She was quite talkative initially but then grew tired and quiet. Afterwards he went to Sarah and Steve's to say hello... have a great day! Chloe - don't get preggers!

  2. Hi: You really arn't missing anything here, the weather is really cold, windy just unbearable as far as I am concerned. Its nice to know you guys are enjoying the sun. I don't remember a winter like this before. Enjoying your blog very much and the pictures are great. Just don't loose your camera eh! Sorry David lost his hat, but men never listen do they! Everyone here has colds, what else! 4 weeks till spring. So by the time you get home you would have missed the worst of it. This is the time for comfort foods. As I dig into a plate of Fries with gravy! You guys look so good you must be eating good fresh fruit and veggies. The babies are getting big. Jonas looks and acts much older than his 14 mos. And Keira talks continually, I wonder who she takes after? Rianna seems much more mature and is getting taller and slimmer. I think you'll see a big difference in them when you get home. Well guess I'd better sign off or this will be a novel. Ha! To Chloe From Bella: Your having toooo much fun whitey!!!!!

  3. Come back home you Wayward Angles. You've been too long gone.......ah,ha/haha
    Here's to your new adventures in Central America, We'll wait for your return.

    We pray for your safe return.
    Dad & Mom

  4. David and April,

    We have to tell you, finally, how we are enjoing your vacation (though of course we are not nearly as warm as you are) and I'm sorry we haven't let you know until now that we are and have been following your trip. Your comments are fabulous and we keep running for our map to see exactly where you are.

    It's very snowy and WINTERY here in Mount Forest and you are sooooo much better off where you are.

    Enjoy and keep it coming. Wonderful blog.
