Monday, February 16, 2009


  1. Love reading your letters. You make me feel like I am there with you. Your letters make me smile at all the antics that you and David are going through.Happy to hear that everything is o.k.


  2. Hi guys! Long time no chat with! My computer was dying a slow death over the past two weeks so I was only able to log on to check my email messages twice daily. I was afraid to leave it running just in case it died permanently before I was able to copy my hard drive over to my new computer that was being built. Anyway, I'm up and running again with a kick ass machine - the down side is I'm swamped with work that has accumulated over the course of my technology adventure. Hmmm, somehow I wish I was in your adventure instead of mine! So I just caught up on 02/08 through 02/15 - will have to back track and read 02/01 to 02/08 tomorrow as I REALLY need to get to work - it's billing day tomorrow and I have nothing ready to bill to offset the expense of the new machine... sigh. Jonathan is in TO on business today and tomorrow so he's going to head out to Brampton to visit Conchi and Brian tonight. The girls are well, the weather is not... I'm so sick of winter. I LOVE the market picture above, and am loving your blogs. Keep on adventuring, be happy and be safe. Love from Wendy and the Ottawa clan
