Friday, February 27, 2009

Mexico's Ugliest City

The drive from San Cristobal was fairly uneventful until it started to rain and we quickly discovered that the windshield wipers decided to malfunction. It was about this time that we realized that the straight super highway was becoming another winding mountain road.

We again saw some of the most amazing views, this time of mountain fiord's that would have been just amazing to explore but after a short side trip to the nearest town to look for a suitable hotel we were disappointed to find that there was none.

This has been one of the most frustrating aspects of travel in MX: the lack of tourist infrastructure away from the main tourist destinations. There has to be a huge business opportunity in MX of just putting small hotels is some of the most amazing scenic views in the world. Just as the Spanish government did in the 60's and 70's of building paradors in out of the way places.

Every time we go off to explore a new area we come across some amazing place we would like to spend more time in but usually there is no hotel or is of very low quality. The only hotels in most of these small towns are auto-hotels where you drive or walk in and rent a room by the hour for some special time with your favorite sweetheart of the moment. This only makes sense as most people in the small towns live with extended families in small house where private space is non-existent.

But back to the car windshield wipers... We found a Ford dealer in Coaztacoalcos who was able to look at the wipers and found that the wiper motor had shaken loose from the welds on its bracket that holds it to the firewall. He was able to weld the motor back on to the bracket and reinstall it and it works like new. Cost was a reasonable 100.00.

Coaztacoalcos is a refinery town on the Gulf that looks just like a refinery town anywhere. To be fair, it's probably not the ugliest city in Mexico. Certainly the nice folks who call it home would not think so, and I'm sure it has some great areas that we didn't see. We were only passing through, just stopping there to sleep. Luckily the best hotel in town would let Chloe into the room so she did not have to sleep in her crate in the car...whew!

p.s. Don't ask how Mexico's Ugliest City is pronounced....we've been referring to it as "Cuz-it-tikls".

Chloe's Notes: I don't care how say it, this ugly town was full of butt-ugly, downright mean dogs!


  1. Hey, I thought you 3 were in Guatemala about a week ago. Does this mean that you wayward angels are making your way back home?

    It's raining here with the sun coming out at 9 degrees :) So I'm heading out to do some work as the afternoon looks good weather-wise.
    I'll try later to write you angels

    Love Dad

  2. Hi: I saw this city on the map but couldn't tell if you had just left Guatemela or just about there. Don't mention the lack of hotels/motels toooo much to David, I can just hear the wheels turning "oh thats a business I could start in MX" Take care with Chloe and the butt-ugly dogs. Got to go, luv, mom

  3. Hey guys, we're back from vegas in one peice. We had an awsome time. I hear you're off to Graceland now, thats exciting. We miss you!
