Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Lessons From The Beach

Never wear jewellery snorkelling. Not only will you attract fish bigger than you want to see that close up, but you might lose your jewellery.

Stay away from blue jelly fish.

At the end of the day, shake the sand out of your shoes; return the sand to the ground where it belongs. The next morning, shake your shoes out again; return the scorpions, geckos or insects to the ground where they belong, and be comfortable in your shoes. (Note on your last day: it is illegal to import these creatures into Canada!)

Always wear a tight fitting suit when snorkelling - small fish are always looking for neat places to hide from bigger fish.

If you see fish jumping out of the water, get out immediately.

Unless you are going to shower immediately, thoroughly rinse your hair in the water after snorkelling. Otherwise your hair will dry with fish debris stuck to it.

Coral is very sharp and can cut skin.

Don't assume everyone will see one little "No Nudismo" sign posted on the beach.

Swimming is not advisable if you are experiencing Montezuma's revenge or even just the threat of it.

Chloe's Notes: If you go to the beach and run like the leader of a pack of wild dogs, expect to be humbled soon after with a bath, complete with fancy soap and ear powder.

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