Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Border Crossing Blues

We crossed into Mexico today, but what a day! The border crossing would have been a breeze, except that we had, well, a spat of sorts. A few hundred miles, a comfy hotel room, a nice dinner and several Coronas later, let's just call it a long story and put the miserable border crossing behind us.
The landscape has gone from flat farmland to mountainous and quite scenic. Close to the hotel there is a grand park with all kinds of sports activities, more than I've seen in one place. It was a great place for a walk.
We've been on the road for a week now, and restaurant food is getting tiresome. From Louisianna to Mexico, a Vegetarian seems to be as rare as a Martian. I've been eating a lot of fish, and I'm all fished-out. I'm hoping we'll find a kitchenette in a little town, stay a few weeks, and cook my own food....or I may have to start eating meat soon!

Chloe's Note: The walks are unpredictable every day, and so are the lodgings. The pack is constantly on the move these days. On the bright side, I've been eating very well! Lots of yummy meat every day.


  1. Hi: Everyone is enjoying your adventure along with you. Just talking to Tim for awhile, I always enjoy our chats. Nothing new here except that it is freezing EVERY DAY. We are so tired of it. I just go out when I have to. I love the pictures you send. I tried to save some of them on my picture gallery but haven't been able to do it as yet.Please tell Chloe Bella was happy to hear she's having such a good time. Too bad about the vegetarian food not being too popular there. Hopefully that will be remedied soon. Where are you going from there? Let us know, we think about you guys every day. Luv, mom PS Tim is really curious about the "border" episode.

  2. Hey David and April. Sorry to hear about your car and border problems. I hope it will be smooth sailin' from here onward. There has got to be some good refried beans for you somewhere in Mexico. Rosco and Zoey are wondering why Chloe doesn't visit anymore. Showing them the blog didn't help matters much. We are looking forward to future blogs.
    Take care.
    Steve and Sarah.

  3. Hi April and David. It's always cool to see your pictures and notes that you've posted. It looks like you guys are having a great time, I love that picture of David and Chloe on the beach, she looks so happy. I love the "Chloe's Notes" they are so cute, sounds like all three of you are living it up. Take care of yourselves, Love, Melanie

  4. Hi: April could you let us know how you are doing, Dad is getting a little uptight. call us collect if your lap top isn't working. Luv you guys, mom
